The Result for the entrance exam is available in online mode only. It’s mandatory for the candidate to carry the hall ticket on the day of the examination as without it candidate is not allowed to sit for the examination. Application fee should be paid online through SBI Collect. After that candidate has to appear for the entrance examinations which are conducted by KUFOS. Copyright © 2004 - 2020 of Fisheries Resource Dr M K Sajeevan Management, Associate Patron and Advisor to the Students Union and Member KUFOS PG &PhD Admission Core Committee Post Graduate, Ph.D and PDF Programmes Post Graduate, Ph.D and PDF Programmes PROSPECTUS 2020-21 PROSPECTUS 2020-21 KUFOS Admission 2020 @ | Application Form (Extended), Entrance Exam Date: The officials of Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) extended the last date for the KUFOS PG, Ph.D. 19.11.2020 - Netaji Subhas Open University, Kolkata ADMISSION: Prospectus of Post Graduate [PG] Admission 2020. The exam is conducted in the following cities of Kerala. Home » Uncategorized » KUFOS Admission 2020 – PG, Ph.D Admission Process, Application Form, Syllabus, The Schedule for KUFOS Admission 2020 is given below.   Candidates can register their name in the website, log in, submit application form online, make payment of fees, check status of application, download hall ticket for the entrance examination and check the status of their admission from the online application portal. here on this page. The KUFOS Admission 2020 PG Rank List has been announced online. Evaluation Method 27 17. KUFOS Panangad Admission. It contains general information and rules relating to the admission to PG The University is equipping its students with the skills, insights, attitudes and practical experience that will enable them to become discerning citizens. To get fastest exam alerts and government job alerts in India, join our Telegram channel. Physical Oceanography – BSc with 50% or 5.5/10.0 or 2.2/4.0 marks in any of the following subject combinations. Here we mentioned the step to fill the application form for the PG / PhD Courses through the online admission portal. Renewal Rules 23 11. Candidates first have to apply by filling out the KUFOS Application Form. Sciences. Admission to the course in some courses is also done on the basis of the performance in Interview and Group Discussion. KUFOS Admission 2021-22 | UG & PG Course. Check the page below for more details on KUFOS PG, PhD and PDF Admission 2020, Drafting (CADD) & Entrepreneurship Development, To view the complete notification, click here   Biotechnology – A Bachelor of Science with 50% marks or 5.5/10.0 OGPA or 2.2/4.0 OGPA (50% for SC/ST candidates) in any of the following subject combinations. For more details and to apply online, please visit the, ← IIM Visakhapatnam PGP in Digital Governance and Management Admission 2020, Madhav University PhD Program Admission 2020, Dates, Eligibility, Application →, IIM Udaipur PG Diploma in Business Administration for Executives 2021, ICAR-IVRI Izatnagar BVSc and AH Admission Counselling 2020, Yenepoya University PhD Admission 2021, Dates, Application Form, Veer Kunwar Singh University PhD Admission 2020, Application Form, Dates, NMU Jalgaon MSW Admission 2020, Application Form, Dates, Eligibility, JUIT Waknaghat PhD Admission 2021, Application Form, Dates, MNIT Jaipur PhD Admission 2020, Dates, Eligibility, Application form, JIIT Noida PhD Admission 2021, Dates, Eligibility, Application form, IGNOU OPENMAT MBA Entrance Exam 2020 Notification, Free Online test for Entrance Test Preparation, Entrance Exams for Arts students after Graduation, List of Entrance Exams conducted by IGNOU. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Prospectus: Prospectus for admission to the Post Graduate (PG) Degree Programmes in the Departments of the University of Kerala, for the academic year 2020-21, as approved by the University of Kerala, is published herewith. +918742854777 ADMISSION: Post Graduate [PG] Admission Steps to be Followed [Geography & Zoology] 2020. Before filling the online application form candidates are advised to the read prospectus carefully. All professional graduates of State Agricultural Universities/Deemed Universities under the ICAR system with a minimum OGPA of 6.0/10.0 (5.5/10.0 for SC /ST Candidates). KUFOS PG/Ph.D./PDF Programme Prospectus 2020. Certification Programme on Entrepreneurship Development: Basic qualification for the course is a pass in a higher secondary examination. The courses are offered in the University under the following faculty and schools.Faculty of Fisheries, School of Management and Entrepreneurship,School of Ocean Science and Technology, School of Fishery Environment and School of Ocean Engineering and Underwater Technology. Degree in Physics/ Geophysics / Geology /Mathematics/Computer application/ Environmental Sciences with GIS /BE/ B.Tech in Civil Engineering/ Natural Sciences/Fishery and Life. admission to Post Graduate, Diploma, PhD and Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF) Programmes, . The date of KUFOS Entrance Examinationfor admission to PG courses in Fisheries and Ocean Studies has been fixed tentatively on 27.06.2020. Diploma in Brackish Water and Marine Aquaculture, Post Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) Programmes, Degree Programmes (Admitted through NEET/KEAM), Certificate course on Computer Aided Designing and Drafting (CADD). KUFOS PG Admission 2020-21 : Allotment. The direct link to check is provided below. Application Process.So, candidates applying for the KUFOS Entrance Exam 2020 can apply till 20th May 2020.And the KUFOS Entrance Exam 2020 which is to be held on 8th May 2020 is … PROSPECTUS SIKKIMUNIVERSITY (A central university established byan Act of Parliament in 2007 and accredited by NAAC in 2015) 2020-21 (FOR PG PROGRAMMES) Main Administrative Building 6th Mile, Samdur, P O Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim, 737102 Website: Candidates awaiting their final results of the qualifying degree/marks can also apply for the MBA course, but they should have secured their qualifying marks before the commencement of the first semester examination. PG Diploma In Maritime Law (Evening Course). Candidates who are interested for admission in KUFOS can check the selection procedure from below. Check the page below for more details on, Date of admission for PG programme / Interview and admission for PhD/ PDF programme, Aquaculture, Aquatic Animal Health Management, Aquatic Environment Management, Fish Nutrition and Feed Technology, Fish Processing Technology, Fisheries Engineering and Technology & Fisheries Resource Management, Biotechnology, Climate Science, Disaster Management, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Food Science and Technology, Marine Biology, Marine Chemistry, Marine Microbiology, Physical Oceanography, Remote Sensing and GIS & Statistics, dual specialisation (Finance/ Marketing/ Human Resource Management/ Rural Management / Fisheries Business Management) & MBA Energy Management, Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Ocean and Coastal Safety Engineering & Coastal and Harbour Engineering, PG Diploma in Aquarium Science and Technology & Industrial Aquaculture, Diploma in Brackish water and Marine Aquaculture, Doctoral degree programmes leading to Ph.D. are being offered by the five Faculties. Seat Allotment List: Click here to check the KUFOS PG Admission 2020 Provisional Spot Admission Allotment (Second List). The exam pattern & syllabus for the entrance test is given below. Eligible Candidate List for Interview: Click here to check the KUFOS Ph.D Admission 2020 Eligible Candidate List for Interview. Exam Date Extended for KUFOS Admission 2020, candidate can check the notice from below. Admission Alerts 2020 India | Application Form Dates. BSc in Bioinformatics / B.Tech. Statistics– Regular Bachelor’s degree with Statistics as main subject and Mathematics as Subsidiary (complimentary) or Mathematics as main subject and Statistics as Subsidiary (complimentary) or Triple main with Mathematics and Statistics as subjects, or its equivalent from a recognized University with minimum 55 % marks ( 50 % for SC / STcandidates). Foreign/NRI students need not write the entrance examination of KUFOS. Graduates with (+2 level Mathematics and Physics) /Biology/BSc in Environmental Sciences/BSc Natural Sciences can also be considered for admission. Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences has released examination center with the list of candidates for PG Entrance Examination. Admission to PG 22 9.1 Admission Process 22 9.2 General Guidelines 22 10. Download KUFOS PG/Ph.D./PDF Programme Prospectus 2020 in PDF Format form If they fail to do so their admission will be cancelled. RBSE 10th English Solutions 2020 by AGLASEM. Application form and prospectus for admission to the Post Graduate, and PhD programmes is going to available on the KUFOS website The KUFOS conducts different exams for admitting the students in different courses. Four year Bachelor’s degree in Fisheries Science (BFSc) recognized by Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Science with an OGPA of 6.5/10.0 or above (In the case of SC/STcandidates an OGPA of 5.5/10.0). Get information on KUFOS Entrance Exam 2020 Exam Dates, Registration Process, Admit Card, Exam Centres, Syllabus, Prospectus, etc. The Faculties are, Faculty of Fisheries, Faculty of Ocean Science and Technology, Faculty of Ocean Engineering, Faculty of Climate Variability and Aquatic Ecosystem & Faculty of Management, Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries, Faculty of Ocean Science and Technology, Faculty of Ocean Engineering, Climate Variability and Aquatic Ecosystem & Faculty of Management, Humanities and Social Sciences, Certificate course on Computer-Aided Designing and. The duly filled up applications should be submitted on A4 size paper only. A minimum mark of 50% mark is required for the qualifying degree. Examination 26 16. KUFOS has released the Provisional Spot Admission Second List Allotment. The exam will be conducted in three slots. Candidates awaiting their final results of the qualifying degree exam can also apply, but they should produce their qualifying degree/mark list up to the semester preceding the last semester at the time of the interview. All rights Reserved. Kerala University of Fisheries & Ocean Studies Application Form 2021-22 | Kerala | KUFOS placed in Junction, Kochi, Kerala. Candidates awaiting their final results of the qualifying degree examination can also apply but they should produce their qualifying degree/mark up to the semester preceding the last semester at the time of interview. Ernakulam will be the only centre for Ph.D. entrance examination. Bioinformatics, Physics main with Mathematics and Chemistry as subsidiaries, Physics main with Mathematics and Statistics as subsidiaries. Search for: CBSE Class 10 Maths (Standard) Solved Paper 2020 by AGLASEM [30/5/1] [30/5/2] [30/5/3] 1.45 MB 3 file(s) MAR IVANIOS COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) PROSPECTUS 2020-2021 1.2 FEES AND FEE CONCESSIONS (PG fees Subject to Change) SCHEDULE OF FEES 2020-21 (Aided Programmes)* To be paid at the time of admission Fee PROGRAMME e-t) it e-t) Fee ) Fee Fee ) B.A Economics Rs.80 Rs.360 NA Rs.525 Rs.1050 Rs.1470 Check the page below for more details on KUFOS PG, PhD and PDF Admission 2020 Candidates awaiting their final results of the qualifying degree exam can also apply, but they should produce their qualifying degree/mark list at the time of admission. Note: The application fee should be paid online through SBI Collect, the instructions for which are available on the KUFOS website. Admission Process 2020 KUFOS University and Member KUFOS PG & PhD Admission Core Committee Head Dept. Application form and prospectus for admission to the Post Graduate, Diploma and Ph.D programmes can be downloaded from the KUFOS website (Adobe Acrobat PDF format). Your No1 source for Latest Entrance Exams, Admission info, March 6, 2020 by Successcds team in Kerala University, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) invites application for admission to Post Graduate, Diploma, PhD and Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF) Programmes. of courses selected, the amount to be paid towards application fee will be displayed.Step 7 – In this step, candidates have to cross verify the details which are mentioned by them and finally submit it.Step 8 – After that candidates have to make payment for an application form. OCTOBER 30TH,2020 Apply Now BE/B.Tech | M.Sc Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) Admissions 2020: PG Merit List (Released),Courses, Fees, Eligibility Criteria. The candidates seeking admission to M.F.Sc., M.Sc., M.B.A., M.Tech., L.L.M., P.G. 9. Food Science & Technology – A Science degree with 50% marks or 5.5/10.0 OGPA or 2.2/4.0 OGPA in any of the following subject combinations. Get all the information about KUFOS Admission 2020, Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, Result, etc. Ocean and Coastal Safety Engineering – B.Tech in Marine Engineering / Civil / Mechanical / Safety & Fire / EEE / Naval Arch / 60% marks preferably with GATE/NET. Candidates can submit online application through the online application portal following guidelines mentioned therein. For downloading the admit card canddiate need to enter the login credentials. Foreign/Person of Indian Origin (PIO)/Overseas Indian Citizen (OIC) and NRI candidates can also apply through the online mode. Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Panangad, Kochi offers admission to eligible candidates in the various Diploma, PG, PDF, Degree Programmes, Certificate Programmes and Ph.D. Programmes in the constituent Schools of KUFOS. The Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) established in 2010 by an Act of Kerala Legislative Assembly with the main objective of imparting education in different branches of Fisheries and Ocean Science. As declared earlier, there shall be three test centres each in … Step 1 – Candidate registration (login creation for academic Admissions)Step 2 – Candidate first login and password change.Step 3 – Fill the Personal details in the Application Form.Step 4 – Candidates have to upload the photo and signature after filling the personal details.Step 5 – Candidates have to fill the special reservation and course selectionStep 6 – According to the no. Revised Calendar of Events of other PG courses and M.Com Courses 2020-21 Post date: 13/11/2020 - 08:05 P.M; PGEE 2020 Results Post date: 13/11/2020 - 08:05 P.M; Guidelines of PG Courses 2020 Post date: 13/11/2020 - 08:05 P.M; PGEE Key Answers 2020 Post date: 13/11/2020 - 08:05 P.M; PGEE 2020 Time Table Post date: 2020-12-09 12:54:54; List of subjects exempted from Entrance Exam 2020 … Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies open admissions for PG and PhD Programmes 2020. Marine Microbiology – A Science degree with 50% marks or 5.5/10.0 OGPA or 2.2/4.0OGPA (50% for SC/ST candidates) in any of the following subject combinations. 29-10-2020 ; Admission to all Postgraduate (except M.Tech) and Three year LL.B programmes of CUSAT for the academic year 2020 - 2021 will be conducted based on the marks obtained by the candidates in the qualifying examination-Click here for details Please enable JAVASCRIPT in your browser In … KUFOS kufos pg admission 2020 prospectus 2020 is on the basis of the following subject combinations /Biology/BSc in Environmental Sciences/BSc Sciences. Admission Closes: 30.06.2020 1 [ Geography & Zoology ] 2020 according to … Closes... Subsidiaries, Physics main with Mathematics and Computer Science/Computer applications as subsidiaries, Physics main with Mathematics and as. List has been Announced online portal following Guidelines mentioned therein refer to read! 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