12. 5. The comparative form of 'lax' is laxer. 9. Soothe diaper rash with beeswax. Because my daughter rarely does anything as novel as doing her chores without being told, I am sure she wants something from me. Julie was a basket case when she learned she'd be required to transfer planes in Los Angeles. L.A. prosecutor slams new liberal DA's push to reduce violent crime sentences, says voters don't support it Los Angeles County deputy DA says … 8 editor-approved samples. The administration of the law can never go lax where every individual sees to it that it grows not lax in his own... 2. In " anasarca " the tissues which suffer most are those which are peculiarly lax, such as the lower eyelids, the scrotum, and the backs of the hands and feet. Synonym Discussion of lax. As thirty-eight years had elapsed since the last period of persecution, the churches had become in many ways lax, and the number of those who failed to hold out under the persecution was very great. He realized that he'd lost the race only because he had been overconfident, careless and lax. 3. not taut. If they would've made Gex 2 with the same style as the original, instead of crappifying it a la Crash Bandicoot, it would've sold huge amounts. The lax list of example sentences with lax. At last, instead of the two Frances of the langue doc and the lax gue dorl, there was but one royal France comprising the whole kingdom. Superintendent Robert Runcie: I take a lot of exception to any statement, or suggestion that somehow this administration and school board did … Jim is always able to find novel ways to make use of broken appliances around the house. , Her lax dating standards usually resulted in disappointment as she dated on loser after another. 6. 79+2 sentence examples: 1. In the lax strobili the sporangiophores, which are not peltate, but strap-shaped, were borne, as C. E. His ambitions were boundless and his morals lax. lax in a sentence - Use "lax" in a sentence 1. Sometimes basic rules become forgotten, or they are simply ignored as teachers and students become lax about following them. Critics say these episodes prove that intelligence oversight by civilians is lax at best. Joachim, however, was unable to continue his abbatial functions in the midst of his labours in prophetic exegesis, and, moreover, his asceticism accommodated itself but ill with the somewhat lax discipline of Corazzo. The studio is looking for novel concepts to turn into original television series. ‘Those two sides have plenty of time to interact due to the ludicrously lax security arrangements.’. I hoped I was not being rash. For effective control over a colonial empire Carthage had the advantage of situation over far-away Tyre; the traditional bonds grew lax and the ancient dues ceased to be paid, though as late as the middle of the 6th century Carthage rendered tithes to the Tyrian Melqarth. Lax in a sentence. Synonyms: slack, casual, careless, sloppy [informal] More Synonyms of lax But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. In short, Hamilton took from recent years the lesson of the evils of lax government; whereas Jefferson clung to the other lesson, which crumbling colonial governments had illustrated, that governments derived their strength (and the Declaration had proclaimed that they derived their just rights) from the will of the governed. There have been allegations from survivors that safety standards had been lax. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB Discipline on the privateers was lax, and the profits of a successful cruise were enormous. The experiments examined cases where the residue was either a CV syllable with a lax vowel, or a CVC syllable with a schwa. 1 Not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful. In English the vowel i in bit is lax. A strange rash on an arm. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Julie was a basket case when she learned she'd be required to transfer planes in Los Angeles. One of the problem areas is lax security for airport personnel. Definition of LAX in the Definitions.net dictionary. These councils and the executive officers dependent on them soon proved to be unable to manage even local affairs efficiently, while they were very lax in the collection of the national taxes unwisely entrusted to them. It admits only priests aged at least thirty-six, or ecclesiastics who have completed their studies and are ready for ordination. 1521, Los Angeles… 2. LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — A man will spend 105-years-to-life in state prison for sexually abusing four children over a span of nearly 20 years, a state appeals court ruled after upholding the sentence. My baby has a rash on his face. , His lax attitude as of late led his girlfriend to feel unwanted. LAX is rolling out on-site coronavirus testing for fliers as officials advise against unnecessary travel and cases spike across Southern California. We lived in Los Angeles for several years before moving back to Sacramento. It occurs as stems growing through other bryophytes or in lax cushions on rocks subject to intermittent irrigation. The chief weaknesses in the colonial administration of the territory, particularly prior to 1900 - but only to a slightly less extent since - have been decentralization and a lax civil service. THE twisted killer of Grace Millane is serving his sentence at a "super-lax" jail where inmates can take walks in a sensory garden and enjoy relaxing … ‘he'd been a bit lax about discipline in school lately’. Definition of Lax. Hardin in 1890 (see North Dakota), and the lax enforcement of the ordinance in the larger towns soon resulted in an active movement for "repeal. A list of words that contain Lax, and words with lax in them.This page brings back any words that contain the word or letter you enter from a large scrabble dictionary. One of the problem areas is lax security for airport personnel. npler is the grammar, the more lax the use of the cases. long; in the earlier stages of growth it has a pyramidal form, in open glades the lower boughs often touching the ground, but in old age it acquires a wide almost cedar-like top. use Lax in a sentence lax; [adjective] loose; Not strictly enforced; Lacking in strength, firmness; Terrorist attacks were done in Malaysia, which has a relatively lax visa policy. The light bluish-green foliage is somewhat lax, very dense in young trees; the cones are long and rather curved, with thin smooth scales a little thickened at the apex, and generally more or less covered with exuding white resin; they are about 5 or 6 in. est. Find words for lax in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary. Traducir lax de Inglés a español. We tried to list the best first. The next step was to force the confessors to accept their lax interpretation of the law; and this was accomplished by their famous theory of probabilism - first taught in Spain about 1580. Learn more. An example of lax is a person who doesn't read over an essay before turning it in. Pathing Restrictions laxed for Heroic Leap, Gateway, and Infernal Strike in Shadowlands. A rash of groans swept the room. The new denominations vigorously attacked the methods and immunities of the established church, whose clergy had grown lukewarm in zeal and lax in morals. 79+2 sentence examples: 1. 2. 4 Try out Spruce, our experimental quotations search engine. 3. lax definition: 1. without much care, attention, or control: 2. not severe or strong enough: 3. Jake turned and stared at him, dropped an awkward bow, and straightened, his mouth lax. Many US companies set up branch offices in Canada to take advantage of the relatively lax bribery laws there. The female fructification is in the form of a rather lax strobilus. You are lax in the wrong place, and scrupulous in the wrong place. Up to the beginning of 2002 I had been fairly lax in pursuing breaches of copyright - simply requesting the removal of the data. Height, 9 inches to 12 inches, the lax branching stems bearing a rich profusion of large pendent bells of the deepest purple. The definition of lax is being relaxed or not strict. MPs attacked lax management and errors of judgment. But it’ll give him a rash. Many private and state-owned mines have been documented as flagrantly violating China 's rather lax safety regulations. But many of the voters came from outside, and identity checks on voters appeared lax. 3 a : not tense, firm, or rigid : … 3. And my new home has a rash o'. Example sentences with the word lax. 8 editor-approved samples. Learn more. ", Then He complained of the unreasonableness of an age which refused John as too austere and Himself as too lax and as being " the friend of publicans and sinners.". During the season, you can be a little more lax. b : having loose bowels. relaxed and not strict. The lax entry requirements let just about anyone in. My baby has a rash on his face. The female fructification is in the form of a rather lax strobilus. Lax in a sentence. Do not use Ex-Lax (sennosides chewable tablets) for more than 1 week unless told to do so by your doctor. Parnevik noticed a lax in security this spring. Detection, prosecution, and punishment of corrupt public servants became lax and inefficacious. If you say that a person's behavior or a system is lax, you mean they are not careful or strict about maintaining high standards. There have been allegations from survivors that safety standards had been lax. 4. Mike Tyson was arrested at LAX for knocking out a self-proclaimed freelance photographer. Traducir lax de Inglés a español. With the benefit of hindsight, we can indeed debate whether the levels agreed were too strict or too lax. He pushes the claim even further, requiring, besides entire outward submission to command, also the complete identification of the place of God, without reference to his personal wisdom, piety or discretion; that any obedience which falls short of making the superior's will one's own, in inward affection as well as in outward effect, is lax aect; that going beyond the letter of command, even in things abstractly good and praiseworthy, is disobedience, and that the "sacrifice of the intellect" is the third and highest grade of obedience, well pleasing to God, when the inferior not only wills what the superior wills, but thinks what he thinks, submitting his judgment, so far as it is possible for the will to influence and lead the judgment. goldsmith bankers had been damaged by the lax financial management of the Stuart kings. Bazard, a man of logical and more solid temperament, could no longer work in harmony with Enfantin, who desired to establish an arrogant and fantastic sacerdotalism with lax notions as to marriage and the relation of the sexes. The President has made an appeal for calm in Los Angeles after a night of rioting. 4 In view of the vast consequences ensuing from this exodus of Dutch families from the Cape a somewhat detailed consideration and in some cases lax sexual morality. , Many individuals today call for the government to have a more lax stance on regulations. loose or slack; not tense, rigid, or firm: a lax rope; a lax handshake. lacking firmness; not strict. The lax list of example sentences with lax. open, loose, or not retentive, as diarrheal bowels. 0. los-angeles. Men are men, and many can be lax when it comes to their personal appearance. lax attitude could prejudice the safety of your passengers. , Politicians and lawyers are often criticized for having lax morals. 20 sample sentences for LAX. With the instinct of a true statesman, he felt the pulse of the people, divined their need for prestige, and their preference for a government heavy-handed rather than lax. Sentences Menu. … You are lax in the wrong place, and scrupulous in the wrong place. Sorry I've been somewhat lax these last few months. Pronunciation of lax with 1 audio pronunciation, 25 synonyms, 1 antonym, 5 translations, 5 sentences and more for lax. Because my daughter rarely does anything as novel as doing her chores without being told, I am sure she wants something from me. 1. In this position he continued to labour, to write, and to assail the lax Catholics and their clergy until at least the time of Bishop Calixtus in the reign of Elagabalus. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 a of the bowels : loose, open. I had opted to skip the short flight to Santa Barbara as Betsy, the seasoned traveler, had no difficulty renting a car and maneuvering the traffic to pick me up at LAX. I broke out in a really bad rash. ‘he'd been a bit lax about discipline in school lately’. 2 : deficient in firmness : not stringent lax control a lax foreman security has been lax. His business management of these schools got him heavily into debt, and in the autumn of 1852 a charge of lax administration came before a court of bishops, who dismissed it. I hoped I was not being rash. The experiments examined cases where the residue was either a CV syllable with a lax vowel, or a CVC syllable with a lax vowel, or a CVC syllable with a schwa. Translate lax into Spanish. Licentious definition is - lacking legal or moral restraints; especially : disregarding sexual restraints. Synonyms: slack, casual, careless, sloppy [informal] More Synonyms of lax los-angeles. P. canariensis, which forms forests on the mountains of Grand Canary and Teneriffe, growing at an elevation of 6000 ft., also belongs to this group. 4. (of a speech…. How to say lax in English? Do not use other laxatives or stool softeners unless told to do so by the doctor. Examples of lax in a sentence: 1. 32. lax definition: The definition of lax is being relaxed or not strict. Many of the sentences have audio, too. Search for words that start with a letter or word: Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Words make sentences with the help of other words or sometimes even alone. Study vocabulary in context. These cookies do not store any personal information. Examples of Novel in a sentence. 3. However, even in such cases, lax states are likely to support federal … Found 293 words containing lax. Examples of LAX in a Sentence. Many of the sentences have audio, too. That sometimes mean third-world countries where safety standards are low and oversight is lax. A strange rash on an arm. Hormonal changes within the mother during pregnancy result in increased ligament looseness or laxity and are thought to possibly cross over the placenta and cause the baby to have lax ligaments while still in the womb. adjective. December 6, 2016 word-in-sentence.com. Re laxed definition is - freed from or lacking in precision or stringency. Definition of lax. I stayed at home the last day, relax, really - lax. He saw Jews, Saracens, heretics and apostates roaming through Spain unmolested; and in this lax toleration of religious differences he thought he saw the main obstacle to the political union of the Spains, which was the necessity of the hour. , Though the teacher’s standards were somewhat lax, she still could not accept such a poor paper. They had therefore become lax in what they were offering to God. When collagen and elastin production slows down, the skin becomes lax and unable to "snap back.". The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Los-angeles sentence examples. use Lax in a sentence lax; [adjective] loose; Not strictly enforced; Lacking in strength, firmness; Terrorist attacks were done in Malaysia, which has a relatively lax visa policy. 9. 0. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Find words for lax in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary. Meanwhile, Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Koretz filed a resolution in opposition of Gascon's recent directive to remove sentence enhancements, particularly when prosecuting hate crimes. Never let go of that privacy or be lax with your security. The studio is looking for novel concepts to turn into original television series. Phillips had gotten her life turned around and was finding steady work on the show So Weird and had parts in hit shows such as E.R. Examples of Lax in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of lax. Rash in a sentence. ‘Those two sides have plenty of time to interact due to the ludicrously lax security arrangements.’. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But in the United States, the rules are more lax. It is frequently asserted that discipline was lax at this period and that ministers of scandalous lives were allowed to continue in their charges. If you don't think you can be hacked or attacked via Twitter, you may be more lax when interacting with other Twitter users. lax regulatory regime for additives has emerged. The Shared Roots of license and licentious Study vocabulary in context. An example of lax is a parent who does not give her child a curfew. Examples of Novel in a sentence. Instead of railroads, you now own airports like JFK and LAX. The lax security at the event allowed people to just slip in and out unnoticed. ‘lax security arrangements at the airport’. The loan phrase à la is shortened from the French à la mode de, which translates literally to in the style of.Though in English we have dropped the mode de part, à la‘s definition retains the meaning of the French phrase, so à la is just a breezy, sometimes pretentious way … 3. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB Discipline on the privateers was lax, and the profits of a successful cruise were enormous. I broke out in a really bad rash. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The word lax means negligent, careless or not sufficiently sever. On the 28th of March 1884 many of the citizens met at Music Hall to protest against the lax way in which the law was enforced, notably in the case of a recent murder, when the confessed criminal had been found guilty of manslaughter only. Upon his return he preached a characteristic sermon entitled The United States of America compared with some European Countries, particularly England (published 1826), in which, although there was some praise for the English church, he so boldly criticized the establishment, state patronage, cabinet appointment of bishops, lax discipline, and the low requirements of theological education, as to rouse much hostility in England, where he had been highly praised for two volumes of Sermons on the Principal Events and Truths of Redemption (1824). Lax Sentence Examples. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The leaves are long, lax, and of a bright green tint; the cone-scales are without spines; the trunk attains a large size, and yields good and durable timber. Meaning of LAX. He had lax morals, which allows him to bend his principles. I trudged through a boring day, knowing I'd return to an empty apartment as Betsy was off to Los Angeles for the entire week. What does LAX mean? Drivers often get so focused on the importance of getting from one place to another that they become lax when it comes to the most basic safety regulations, especially those extra precautions that must be taken when youngsters are around. I stayed at home the last day, relax, really - lax. I trudged through a boring day, knowing I'd return to an empty apartment as Betsy was off to Los Angeles for the entire week. To transfer planes in Los Angeles examined cases where the residue grain showed poriferous lax. Late led his girlfriend to feel unwanted turned and stared at him, an. 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