Of course, these are just for fun as we can't independently authenticate them. When this Reddit user scanned the lists of disturbing and scary stories on Reddit, he must have known he had the winning story to add. For more stories by NeonTempo, click here . From THREEkoalas: Hope you guys enjoy this one! Original Post I sprinted back to my room were the light was on. • To all Reddit travelers, what is your creepiest hotel story? Hooray! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I've heard allot of crazy stories on here that scared the sh#t out of me so i'd like to know whats your creepiest story? Somebody mailed my friend a bunch of pictures of his wife just going about her day. Still want Bot Voice? So she’s telling me this story, and as soon as she comes to the conclusion, we both just freeze, and turn our heads into the walk-in closet off her bathroom. story here. I was in Minot, ND with my old band. I was 22 years old. I slept for 12-13 hours and felt awful/loopy the next day. I was super confused because when he said "recording you" I thought he meant with a tape recorder and I wasn't saying anything. One of our new kittens ran over to me and started biting my ankles trying to play, so I used that as en excuse to pick it up and go inside. Press J to jump to the feed. And he was right. Whatever you think we know about the world, some of these first-hand stories from kids and their parents may change your mind. The real bus pulled up a few minutes later, I went to school and my parents didn't know until I mentioned it that night. Original Post As we crossed the last row, I looked to the right and saw my mom at the end of the row. Report comments that violate these rules. I remember one time my sister and I were looking at toys and this one older man started talking to me. I come down to the kitchen for breakfast on a Saturday morning. You're in! /r/UnresolvedMysteries ... New Line Cinema, Via reddit.com Yep, I'd keep blinds closed after that. One day I was waiting for the bus by myself and a bus with no kids pulled up. By Spotlight. Some of them were taken through windows of their home. These 19 people share their creepiest unexplainable stories from childhood that may not have been a figment of their imagination: 1.) Three women I worked with wanted me to date this one girl so bad they had set up a group meet in a park for a tent camping-sleepover. Not the light bulb, but the glass cover. From intruders in the home living there for months without your knowledge, to aliens that rock back and forth on your front porch, we count 15 frightening true stories from the folks over at Reddit, a link to the full set of stories is below. My boyfriend at the time was 30 and had lost his fiancée a few years prior, who had two children of her own, and he never saw them again. Scary stories are a morbid fascination we have. My husband knows this story quite well of course. I froze and as my eyes adjusted, I saw it was an old man or woman in a white gown with white hair. " The 15 creepiest stories from r/nosleep, Reddit’s freakshow campfire We asked r/nosleep’s moderators to select their favorite stories. Recommended story: I'm a Search and Rescue Officer for the US Forest Service, I have some stories to tell. Reddit users have shared their creepiest unexplained experiences on the site Many have shared stories that have left them shaken since their childhoods Years later, the majority of … Confession: I have never been camping. We walked right down the main center aisle of the store right towards the EXIT sign in the back. When I was a kid I was always the last kid picked up by the bus driver to go to school. One day, as I was playing Simone Says, an old man walked up to me and was making small talk while I played. and I'm sure I responded in the positive of course. Here’s what they sent. Top Scary Things. One Redditor asked the mommies and daddies of Reddit a question: What is the creepiest thing your child has ever said to you? Everyone was tired on day 2, but I was wide awake. Most of them sound like encounters with people on various drugs, but still extremely unsettling to say the least. But my life is wonderful now! When I was younger I had this little stuffed animal dog I named rocky. EDIT: Shout out to lazy masquerade for doing this story! That's absolutely terrifying. Maybe four houses within a mile, nothing for miles after that. We called the cops, and days later they had the girl and me sit with a sketch artist. As I was walking through the living room, I could barely see through to the kitchen and even farther, the dining room. I don't know about you but I kinda make a game o… 6 months ago | 55 views. Close call for the girl. Comment down whats your creepiest story reddit stories : Reddit, what is your creepiest, most unnerving story? A few years ago he made a comment at the end of my umpteenth retelling of the story of that night - you know, he said, that sounds like my mother. One Reddit user, responding to a question asking what the creepiest thing to ever happen in their home was, had an unusual living situation. Your 20 Creepiest (Totally True) Stories Your 20 Creepiest (Totally True) Stories. October 29, 2017; Turns out our readers' lives are jam-packed with bone-chilling creepiness. As soon as we look in there, the entire light on the ceiling shatters. Had to be Arny's. I was roofied. I just had a bad feeling, I said "where are the other kids?" Creepiest Reddit stories you haven't heard. It seems like Reddit will be the new source of urban legends that keep generations of kids awake at sleepovers. Stories of people experiencing a ‘glitch in the matrix’ Reddit user BanditSixActual wrote about the strange experience they had one night where they dreamed that they were in their sister's house with their sister's dog growling at them. Edit: a lot of people are saying what a bro that kid was, and I agree That really was pretty brave of him. The best feeling is getting a long peel, similar to your skin when you're peeling from a sunburn. See you Friday. Reddit’s /r/nosleep community is known for crafting some of the most horrifying creepypasta — short, online works of horror posed as true stories. Oh god now I remember what happened to me and my sister because of this. There's a reason why people dread driving in the night. From Back2Bach: In Mom's seaside hometown, there was an offshore decommissioned lighthouse. Sometimes, the creepiest stories are those that have actually happened. “ Someone had crawled across the floor and jostled the bed” "Every night I go to bed about two hours before my husband. 4 CREEPIEST DEEP WEB Stories Found ONLINE. Suddenly, a voice says "you'll feel pain tonight". Prev Article Next Article . Even a Wikipedia link to the rapist. On the stories, there was my brother, posted 13 minutes ago at a buddies house who lived more than 20 miles away. Clickbank Affiliate Scripts. Turns out a woman about a half mile away in the neighborhood had a form of dementia and wandered into my house while I was sleeping. ... Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. He is living a lie ever since. It's the middle of the night. He eventually told me to come with him and took my by the hand. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. Minot strikes me as a scary place, although I've personally never been. Thanks for your cooperation and enjoy the discussion! Finally, my dad came back to get me, irritated I'd made a scene, he rescheduled my appointment to when my mom would have me, and we just left, he made a big deal about how bad I was acting and told my mom she was spoiling me and all sorts of shit. So in order to start your weekend off right, I've combed the latest AskReddit threads about real life creepy stories and assembled a “greatest hits” of sorts. One weekday night, I stepped out on our front porch to smoke a cigarette or two (I was up late studying). If a child is laughing, it doesn't mean his thoughts are as pure as his voice. The single sketchiest place I've ever been to. As a background my mom is a relatively well known medium in my area and it's apparently hereditary as me, my brother, and my sister all have our own experiences with it. Also I didn't pay attention in school as much as i should of so i apologise for my grammar mistakes; feel free to correct me and call me an idiot. Very similar story. It wasn’t him in the house. This probably explains why he had more in common with the waitress than with me. Hope you guys enjoy this one! Subscribe to our other channel for Bot voice! 13 Short, Creepy Stories That Will Scare The Crap Out Of You By Chrissy Stockton Updated October 19, 2020. Here’s what they sent. Not the best weapon but it’s what I got. Edit: Thanks for the discussion, fascinating to read some of your stories! And you'll be wary of going left/right ever again. Reddit's Creepiest features the horrifying, but true stories of life. What an absolute creep, even more disturbing he didn't care his son knew. They can just sense things adults can't. In Honor of Friday the 13th: Real People Share Their Creepiest, Can't-Be-Explained Stories. I lived in a small college town and my apartment complex was walking distance from the bar/downtown area. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Then he said something I remember verbatim to this very day, over 20 years later: "If you come with me I'd buy you all these toys.". People Of Reddit Shared The Creepiest Things They’ve Encountered While Driving At Night. These are some of the creepiest true stories found on reddit. Our tour van blew a head gasket and we were stuck there for a few days. by creepypasta96 Follow. "Get inside you little fucker before I beat the shit out of you.". We’ve compiled a list of some of the most terrifying stories, myths, and legends from the history of the internet that are practically guaranteed to keep you up at night. We've already put together a list of some of the creepiest children's drawings ever, but this time we're focusing on something else. I told him I saw my mom and had to go. This story is told over 10 parts, it's a long read but certainly worth it. TL/DR: creepy creeperson followed a neighbor home, probably only left because there was a witness, serial rapist apprehended. Share via Email Report Story What paranormal experiences have you actually had that you cannot explain? He would do the creepiest things, like he reached up and strokes her hair at least three times, and would try and slowly inch his way closer to her and the door. Submit Your TRUE Scary Stories & Creepypastas! IDk why not. Just sayin'. I had just gotten a place closer to my new job but the neighborhood i lived in was secluded. I was trying to be a good kid and was helping with the laundry. I had just gotten a place closer to my new job but the neighborhood i lived in was secluded. I walk for a bit and make it to some scummy bar. 1. It was several years later that I realized that I had probably narrowly avoided being molested, kidnapped, or worse. Ever. Posts that have few relevant answers within the first hour, and posts that are not appropriate for the [Serious] tag will be removed. :D. When I was little, around 8, I hated going to the dentist, he always made me uncomfortable for some reason. If you tell me a story that actually happened, though, well…I’ll be much less inclined to turn off the hallway light at night, if you know what I mean. From THREEkoalas: Giphy. H/T r/nosleep. Hey!" I pretended I was leaving and apologized while I eased into the closer bathroom, locked the door, and called 911 with the house phone. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. What did your dad say about this? Thanks for the stories guys really messed with my head keep them coming! These 19 truck drivers share their creepiest, and most bone-chilling stories from the road: 1.) A friend of mine went to university there for a couple of years, and she and her friends literally got chased out of a park by a bunch of dudes who were calling 'dibs' on them as they ran! Before I could respond, his dad started yelling at him. How does it feel knowing you're the reason a bunch of girls in your area are way more safe now? He leaves scribbles on my notepad. by Luke Dhanjal. I put my head in my hand and try to let it pass, but it keeps getting worse. I would of felt like a real shithead. My mom rushed into my room and found me sitting up in bed, screaming, \"ROY! Monty Lov. Just ask any truck driver—they have stories that will send chills down your spine. The old person sprinted towards me like a fucking jet. My dad is recording you.". I just kept saying no and he shrugged and left. You may unsubscribe at any time. Removing it is brutal, but oddly satisfying. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Got the story later. “This happened around 1991. I wonder why he spoke up. "You should go inside. My mom asks, \"Did you sleep alright?\"\"Yeah,\" says I.\"Even after you woke up?\"\"...I woke up?\"Sometime in the middle of night, I had started screaming. These stories, taken from various AskReddit threads, are all (supposedly) true. Happy Friday night! People who are interested in these aspects are always on the front foot to know these stories. From intruders in the home living there for months without your knowledge, to aliens that rock back and forth on your front porch, we count 15 frightening true stories from the folks over at Reddit, a link to the full set of stories is below. This in London? This happened to my Father, I will tell the story the way he told me to better the story. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The thread was met with hundreds of creepy responses, and some of the kids on this list seem like they just might grow up to be terrifying psychopaths. I was having a normal night, maybe my first week there. That's when I saw him with his camcorder behind some trees. ROY! Ankit Subarno. In the Dining room however, i saw something tall standing up in the corner. Mike DelGaudio By Chrissy Stockton Updated October 19, 2020. He's in charge of the \"new\" construction – converting the kitchen in to the master bedroom for instance, while I'm on wallpaper removal duty. Twitter. So in order to start your weekend off right, I've combed the latest AskReddit threads about real life creepy stories and assembled a “greatest… MENU. Add to Favorites. 4 CREEPIEST DEEP WEB Stories Found ONLINE. All except for Kalli who fears nothing, because she blames her cats for every unexplained noise in her house. 125K views. I pulled away my hand and ran down to her. Here are some of Reddit ghost encounter stories so creepy that you may leave the lights on tonight. Someone asked Reddit: "What was your creepy, unexplainable story as a child that was confirmed by your parents to have happened?" Maybe four houses within a mile, nothing for miles after that. Someone asked truck drivers of Reddit: "what's a creepy story you've got from the middle of nowhere?" Luckily for her you were there. Acts of Kindness; Inspiring; Life ; The world tends to look a lot differently to us when we’re kids. Im only looking for real stories you experience first hand or you heard from a trustworthy friend. Reading too many LNM stories I had put an old broken hockey stick in my room in case of emergencies. Im only looking for real stories you experience first hand or you heard from a trustworthy friend. “ Someone had crawled across the floor and jostled the bed” "Every night I go to bed about two hours before my husband. One Reddit user, responding to a question asking what the creepiest thing to ever happen in their home was, had an unusual living situation. I jump and look up and a tall roughly 40 year old man is walking to the bathroom, turns back and glances at me. Someone asked truck drivers of Reddit: "what's a creepy story you've got from the middle of nowhere?" I found some freaky stories for you on Reddit and a few other places. Creepiest Stories. “This happened around 1991. Social media users are sharing the “creepiest or most unexplainable thing” they’ve ever seen or experienced after a recent “Ask Reddit” prompt — and the results are bone-chilling.. I don't know it was in the mail like that." Neringa Utaraitė Community member "I need to go to sleep but I can’t put my phone away because of this thread," someone commented in the now-viral Reddit thread. Police were called and everything, but nothing ever came of it. Don't forget, when on Reddit No Sleep, all of the stories are true. I brought my text book with me and say down on the stairs while I smoked. It shatters, sending shards of glass everywhere. I live in a 2 story house. When I was 21, my best friend died in a car accident. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be removed, along with their child replies. I remember thinking his smile stretched too far and seemed forced, like clowns. Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. 15 – Babysitter (bondmaxbondrock), So i quietly get out of bed to turn on the light to find it. I watched some TV and fell asleep. Wife finds this envelope and asks, what this is. Even after moving I'd probably be so traumatized by that. Just ask any truck driver—they have stories that will send chills down your spine. My mom and my sister are already up, and they look exhausted. Scared the shit out of her by sending the pictures and suggested they move. When I was about 8yrs old my neighbor filmed me in secret. When I was younger my mom would take me and my younger sister to the supermarket with her and let us look at the toy aisle (like maybe 1/5th of an actual aisle) for a couple minutes while she'd go up and down the nearby aisles. Sharks are immune to cancer! For whatever reason, our minds tend to wander and are generally a lot more unusual when we’re little and we have plenty of time to sit and think. The Scariest Stories from Reddit’s NoSleep Subreddit . Welcome to the Twilight Zone. The assistants had to literally drag me back to the room and you could hear me screaming and crying down the hall, refusing to sit in the chair. Here - https://bit.ly/36HlBpo Subscribe to my second channel! Anyway, my mom always came with me, and went back so I wouldn't be scared. I called my friends and got the fuck out of there. In it, hundreds of people are sharing their replies to "What is the scariest/creepiest theory you know about?" Guys inside had just robbed a bike shop, scaring the owner away with a hammer or something. He used to live in a 16-foot camper that served as his research lab and home while he worked on the history of human habitation. It was pitch black because the bathroom door was closed. To clarify, I was 21 at the time and the waitress was 26. Submit Your TRUE Scary Stories & Creepypastas! One day, my dad had me (divorced parents), and had to take me to the dentist, but tried to make me go back alone so he could sit out in the lobby doing whatever. There's another story above that's just like this one. I didn't tell her what happened because I didn't want to get in trouble for going with a stranger. Share via Email Report Story Send. Reddit Stories 1.6K 40 13. by creepypasta96. Stories of people experiencing a ‘glitch in the matrix’ Reddit user BanditSixActual wrote about the strange experience they had one night where they dreamed that they were in their sister's house with their sister's dog growling at them. I was busy hanging up the wet laundry when the neighbor boy yelled to me. 30 Of The Scariest And Creepiest Theories Shared By People On Reddit In A Viral Thread . To me, that makes them so much scarier. Two weeks later, it's on the news that my dentist was charged with child pornography, after molesting children under anesthesia and photographing it. ROY! And to be honest, after these staying up way to late reading these creepy camping stories from Reddit, I'm not sure I ever want to. Reddit User: ZeboTheClown . Report. ROY!\" She did her best to calm me down while shooin… That kid was awesome to you l, with such a creepo dad he probably got his ass beat for that or worse. Forever. When i woke up around 1 A.M., I was about to go to my bedroom when I remembered to turn off the bathroom light at the opposite end of the house. Creepiest Stories Ever Shared On Reddit. Some of the creepiest stories are those that have happened to others. I have a couple really creepy stories so I'm going to just list my best ones, and the scariest one, which isn't mine but happened to my mom. Follow. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. And on Reddit, creepy stories abound. Share. 5 shares | 1644 views . Reddit. They ended up talking for over ten minutes, she later acknowledged how weird the situation was but did not know how to end the conversation. And I’ve told it to a few friends as a “how do you explain this shit” story over the years. Share. Please note some of the stories may be triggering. "Uhhh.. Facebook. I didn't know what to do. I'm obviously not from around there, and nobody is saying a word to me. 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