wtFOCK season 2 episode 4 Zoë Loockx, now you have to be careful : While Zoë trying to get to know Senne better, suddenly he gives her a cold shoulder because of a family member of Senne. Amber continues to try to become an influencer like Kato, and asks for her help to get sponsors. RADIO. 32:15. Nona Janssens Amber Snoeckx 10 episodes. This season starts up with the central character, Kato Fransen, as the new kid in school, since she switched for unknown reasons. WTFOCK S2, NINTH EPISODE, CLIP 6 (sub ita) SKAM ️ 2019 . Die Episode "Get the fock out" ist die 5. Amber continues to try to become an influencer like Kato, and asks for her help to get sponsors. hide. Add to history. Follow. Zoë continues to distance herself from Kato. Die Episode "Episode 2" ist die 2. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events wtFOCK season 4 episode 4 What a schmett : Kato and Moyo begin to date, but choose not to tell their friends yet. 25:18. Ask questions and download or stream the entire … Amber continues to try to become an influencer like Kato, and asks for her help to get sponsors. WTFOCK - S3E5 CLIP 4. WtFock Season 2 Episode 7 - (English) Skam. The fourth season of wtFOCK, the Belgian remake of the Norwegian web-series SKAM, first aired on August 29th, 2020. WTFOCK S2, … ANIME. The first episode was aired in October 2018, being the seventh international remake to be released. 1:30. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events WTFOCK S2, FIFTH EPISODE, CLIP 4 (sub ita) Report. WTFOCK S2, SECOND EPISODE, CLIP 10 (sub later) SKAM ️ 2019. Episode der 4. Staffel der Serie Wtfock. Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 30.10.2020. Moyo and Kato reconcile after their fight, they decide to make their relationship public and continue to prepare for the dance battle. Kato apologizes to Amber once again and opens up about her life not being as perfect as she makes it seem. When she attends the first day of school, many people recognize her as an instagram influencer and she has trouble making friends. wtFOCK (also known as Skam Belgium), is the Belgian international remake of Norwegian Skam. wtfock season 4 is so boring. Kendrick Lamar, which showed up on wtFOCK, Season 4, Episode 7. Every single clip was so repetitive and annoying, I kept watching hoping that it’d get better but it didn’t. Posted by 6 days ago. wtFOCK. Originaltitel: Episode 1 | Erstausstrahlung: 04.09.2020. 2:12. Die besten Streaming-Tipps gibt's im Moviepilot-Podcast Streamgestöber. Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 25.09.2020. 4:07. Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 16.10.2020. Through the season Kato leaves behind personal biases and overcomes her fears and self-esteem issues to grow into a kinder, more self-assured person. SKAM OG. Posted by 4 days ago. Playing next. I want my time back tbh. wtFOCK season 4 episode 1 School starts back up again and Kato Fransen attends a party to celebrate the end of summer, where she rejects Moyo. What a schmett is the fourth episode in the fourth season of wtFOCK. Episode der 4. WTFOCK S2, FOURTH EPISODE, CLIP 4 (sub later) Report. SKAM Belgium - wtFOCK season 3 episode 10_ clip 8 ‘You’re an angel.’ [ ENGLISH SUBTITLES ] Seriad0. WTFOCK-S2E5. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. 6:49. After an argument concerning Moyo's weed, Kato opens up to Moyo about her home-life and issues with self-harm. 165. Browse more videos. WtFock Season 2 Episode 2 - (English) Skam. School starts back up again and Kato Fransen attends a party to celebrate the end of summer, where she rejects Moyo. Problems hit the breaking point with Kato and her parents. Episode der 4. The desperation jumped out. Die Episode "Everything for love" ist die 7. 3:45. Veerle Dejaeger Zoë Loockx 10 episodes. save. Staffel der Serie Wtfock. Episode der 4. Staffel der Serie Wtfock. 165. hide. share. Season Regulars . WTFOCK S2, SIXTH EPISODE, CLIP 2 (sub later) SKAM ️ 2019. 2:29. Die Episode "Fucking virus" ist die 1. Kato continues to try to make it up to Moyo by paying for the damage to his mothers car. Seriad0. Originaltitel: Episode 4 | Erstausstrahlung: 25.09.2020. This season follows Kato Fransen, the new student of Koninklijk Atheneum School, and her struggles to make friends and be a normal teen, as an influencer. 2:29. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events Originaltitel: Episode 3 | Erstausstrahlung: 18.09.2020. WTFOCK - S3E5 CLIP 5. Die Episode "They really went too far" ist die 6. WTFOCK S2, FIFTH EPISODE, CLIP 5 (sub ita) SKAM ️ 2019. 4:20. Trailer for the third season of wtFock, featuring Robbe Ijzermans as main. Add comment. Staffel der Serie Wtfock. WTFOCK S2, FIFTH EPISODE, CLIP 1 (sub later) SKAM ️ 2019. Kato starts to show more interest in Moyo, but he continues to ignore her. Really disappointed tbh. The Broerrrs film their dance battle vlog with Kato, and the boys become friendlier with her, despite Moyo's attitude towards her. Amber SnoeckxZoë LoockxYasmina Ait OmarMoyo MakadiAaron JacobsJens Stoffels, Yara VeytNona Janssens Veerle Dejaeger Nora DariNoa Izai Tambwe KabatiAaron RoggermanNathan Bouts. Her and Luca hit it off and she is introduced to the girl squad and the Broerrrs, but Moyo isn't very friendly because of their encounter at the party. last year | 893 views. After an argument concerning Moyo's weed, Kato opens up to Moyo about her home-life and issues with self-harm. Femke Van Der Steen Jana Ackermans 10 episodes . report. All 11 songs featured in wtFOCK (aka Skam Belgium) season 4 episode 1: Focking kutvirus., with scene descriptions. Staffel der Serie Wtfock. This season follows her journey with insecurity, friendships, secrets, and love. They decide to continue with the dance battle despite their relationship issues. Posts; Likes; Archive; wtFOCK S04E02 [ ENGLISH SUBTITLES ] SKAM Belgium 2020 . Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 03.05.2020. Through her newly forged friendships and relationship, she continues to try to keep her past hidden. Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 23.10.2020. Zoë makes her unkind feelings for Kato known and the two clash. wtFOCK is a Dutch version of the Norwegian teen drama web series Skam, which follows everyday life of group of the teenagers. Due to being an influencer she worries that people will only like her because of her social media platform. WTFOCK S2, … Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 02.10.2020. After the car accident Moyo ignores Kato, causing her to go through the Broerrrs to try to talk to him. Add to collection. Search. Kato and Zoë sort out their differences and agree to start over. The first episode was aired in October 2018, being the seventh international remake to be released. PROFILE. Playing next. share. Staffel der Serie Wtfock. 6:27 . She decides to stay home instead of going to Ardennes, and goes to visit Arno in rehab. Fucking shitvirus is the first episode in Season 4 of wtFOCK. VIP. Kato apologizes to Amber once again and opens up about her life not being as perfect as she makes it seem. Staffel der Serie Wtfock. 3:27. Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 06.11.2020. She attempts to get the dance footage from Robbe, and asks Aaron and Jens to talk to Moyo about letting her submit it. Kato seeks out Moyo so they can open up to one another, and have an honest conversation. Die Episode "What a schmett" ist die 4. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Actors. View entire discussion ( 7 comments) More posts from the skam community. The first episode was aired in October 2018, being the seventh international remake to be released. Episode der 4. Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 18.09.2020. Hide ads with VIP : wtFOCK season 4 episode 10 : Find episode on: AD . WTFock always knows what they're doing! WTFOCK S2, FIFTH EPISODE, CLIP 4 (sub ita) SKAM ️ 2019. Kato asks Moyo to do the upcoming dance battle with her since Bas cancelled on her, and even though it isn't his thing, he agrees to do it with her. WtFock Season 2 Episode 4 - (English) Skam. When she attends the first day of school, many people recognize her as an instagram influencer and she has trouble making friends. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. wtFOCK Season 4 wtFOCK (also known as Skam Belgium), is the Belgian international remake of Norwegian Skam. Kommentare zu Wtfock - Staffel 4 werden geladen... Riesenpenis-Krieg bei The Boys: Star rächt sich für Attacke in Staffel 2, Chadwick Bosemans letzter Marvel-Auftritt als Black Panther steht noch bevor, Die Darth Vader-Kritik war berechtigt: Star Wars-Serie muss aus Fehlern lernen. Kato gets closer to the Girl Squad, but Zoë is suspicious of her. 36:43. After the fight with her parents, Kato stays over at Zoë's for a few nights and gets some advice from Milan. wtfock season 4 is so boring. SKAM Belgium - wtFOCK season 3 episode 10_ clip 3 ‘I’m here.’ [ ENGLISH SUBTITLES ] Seriad0. SKAM Belgium - wtFOCK season 3 episode 9_ clip 4 ‘Because there is no us.’ [ ENGLISH SUBTITLES ] Seriad0. 1:04. Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 04.09.2020. The Girl Squad tries to comfort Kato and think of ways that she can fix everything. This season follows Kato Fransen, the new student of Koninklijk Atheneum School, and her struggles to make friends and be a normal teen, as an influencer. 100% Upvoted. Season 4 guide for wtFOCK TV series - see the episodes list with schedule and episode summary. Close • Posted by 1 hour ago. 1 comment. SKAM Belgium - wtFOCK season 3 episode 7_ clip 10 ‘I want clarity.’ [ ENGLISH SUBTITLES ] Seriad0. Die Episode "Nobody puts baby Kato in the corner" ist die 3. Sort by. WTFOCK S2, NINTH EPISODE, CLIP 2 (sub ita) SKAM ️ 2019. SKAM Belgium - wtFOCK season 3 episode 7_ clip 9 ‘Loser, right_’ [ ENGLISH SUBTITLES ] … Add to list. 8. report. 2:00. Die Episode "Nobody puts baby Kato in the corner" ist die 3. MOVIES. TOP. Kato sulks after spraining her ankle, because she and Moyo have to give up on the dance competition. Watch wtFock S04E02 (SKAM Belgium Seizoen 4 Aflevering 2) ENGLISH SUBTITLES on VIER ⚜ Enjoy … Episode der 4. 1:28. Yasmina starts to understand Zoë's suspicions about Kato not being all she seems. When she attends the first day of school, many people recognize her as an instagram influencer and she has trouble making friends. Die Episode "I don't think that that's smart" ist die 9. School starts back up again and Kato Fransen attends a party to celebrate the end of summer, where she rejects Moyo. Episode der 4. Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 09.10.2020. Die Episode "Some shit you caused yourself" ist die 10. Kato asks Moyo to do the upcoming dance battle with her since Bas cancelled on her, and even though it isn't his thing, he agrees to do it with her. 27:23. Amber sees that Kato and Moyo have made it to final round in the dance battle, Kato didn't know that the footage had been submitted and asks Moyo about it. Browse more videos. wtFOCK season 4 episode 10. wtFOCK (also known as Skam Belgium), is the Belgian international remake of Norwegian Skam. Kato met Moyo Makadi at a party before school, where he unsuccessfully tried to hit on her. WtFock Season 2 Episode 5 - (English) Skam. Amber's takes a blow to her self esteem when she finds out that her sponsorship wasn't real. Riverdale stagione 4 Streaming HD.Riverdale stagione 4 in eurostreaming online.Serie TV stagione streaming gratis su EuroStreaming. WTFOCK S2, FOURTH EPISODE, CLIP 7 (sub later) SKAM ️ 2019. Originaltitel: WtFockDown | Erstausstrahlung: 03.05.2020. Nora Dari Yasmina 10 episodes. The fourth season of wtFOCK, the Belgian remake of the Norwegian web-series SKAM, first aired on August 29th, 2020. I won’t leave you”. Staffel der Serie Wtfock. save. When she meets the Broerrrs he continues to hold a grudge against her from when she turned him down, but they bond over their mutual love of dance and begin a relationship. TV. Kato asks Moyo to do the upcoming dance battle with her since Bas cancelled on her, and even though it isn't his thing, he agrees to do it with her. Kato and Moyo begin to date, but choose not to tell their friends yet. 2:13. Staffel der Serie Wtfock. Staffel der Serie Wtfock. SKAM OG “Okay. She meets Luca Lomans on her first day and is adopted into the Girl Squad, against Zoë Loockx's wishes. Find episode on: AD . wtFOCK. Staffel der Serie Wtfock. 2:21. 1:57 . SKAM Belgium - wtFOCK season 3 episode 9_ clip 9 ‘And there never will be.’ [ ENGLISH SUBTITLES ] Seriad0. JOIN SIMKL. 2:14. Sign Up Now! APPS. Kato and Moyo begin to date, but choose not to tell their friends yet. Since Kato is grounded she has to go behind her parents backs to see Moyo. Kato and Zoë sort out their differences and agree to start over. Originaltitel: Episode 5 | Erstausstrahlung: 02.10.2020. Awkwardness ensues after Moyo's apology to Kato didn't yield the results he hoped for. Kato eventually goes to Ardennes and the Girl Squad talks her into talking to Moyo about their relationship. SKAM Belgium - wtFOCK season 3 episode 8_ clip 8 ‘That’s so cute!’ [ ENGLISH SUBTITLES ] Seriad0. Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 18.09.2020. Episode der 4. Seriad0. 0 comments. Episode der 4. They really went too far is the sixth episode in the fourth season of wtFOCK. Episode der 4. Track wtFOCK season 4 episodes. Seriad0. Robbe decides to help them with their dance video by filming for them, but they have to make sure that Kato is home on time for her curfew. best. 88. Yep, the song in its true form is a more than just a bit explicit, yep, the lyrics are incredibly aggressive but…what it all boils down to is it’s a hell of a fine track full of emotion and fire, and one that relates to Schoolboy Q’s past and some of the mistakes he made. It's where your interests connect you with your people. Episode der 4. Die Episode "Nobody really listens to me" ist die 8. Stream the best of Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic and more for $6.99/mo. They pass the first round and prepare for filming the next round of the dance competition.